Following Rosanne Barr's asinine comments about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, which I won't link to, since they're idiotic and probably just an attempt to get her name out there enough so that Bravo will offer her some kind of humiliating reality show, Jolie's father, Jon
Voight, fired back at the chronically annoying and offensive (not in the "she curses too much" way, but in the "by your existence and identification as an American and a human being, you demean my own" way) one time sitcom star.
"Her defaming of our National Anthem in 1990 gave us insight into who she is and what she is capable of saying and doing."
Voight told (a dumb celebrity waste of paper), "My allegiance to Senator McCain becomes stronger with any assault that tries to deter my loyalty to him."
He added: "I can only pray that good people see her for what she is (sick of mind)."
hearken back to my earlier post this morning, re Republicans being the uncool kids in high school, if it's a choice between these two women, I know for damn sure who I'm gonna pick:
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