Isn't this the equivalent of a sit-in, except that the sitters are representatives? If a Democratic rump had defied Gingrich or Hastert in such a fashion, wouldn't we tut-tut about their behavior?
He's got a point, if these were Democrats remaining behind on the floor of the House, causing a scene, Republicans (myself included) would probably snidely comment that it was nothing but a publicity stunt, that they were behaving like schoolchildren, that it was just another in a long line of meaningless protests.
Having said that, I feel like this is a legitimate tactic on the part of the GOP solely because it is being done by the GOP. The Left has used this type of tactic ad nauseum in the past, basically from Vietnam on, with students and various organization staging protests seemingly every week for the past eight years, filled with giant paper mache puppets and poorly spelled signs and leftover hippies. The Right almost never employs these tactics, as a result, they seem fresh, and daring, and rebellious. They're attracting so much attention on the Right, generating so much excitement precisely because they feel new to us, they're a change from the status quo. We're trying something different, something new, and it feels good.
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