Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Suddenly being green is not cool any more

Suddenly? I never knew being "green" was cool to begin with, except among a certain class of people (yes, a large segment of which happen to live in my neighborhood), for the rest of us, it has just been another annoying fad to deal with until it fades, or at least returns to a normal, rational level, wherein people do their best to be environmentally conscious (i.e., putting garbage in a garbage can instead of dumping it out the window, that kinda stuff) without sacrificing their sanity or comfort.

However, for that above-mentioned, largely Park Slope/Hollywood-based portion of the population that's been squawking, often ridiculously hypocritically for the last couple years or so about being green, apparently the honeymoon is over. People, particularly working and/or lower-middle class, are being tired of told that they should be willing to pay more for inferior products that don't last as long, or don't perform as well, just because multi-millionaire actors or former Vice Presidents turned failed Presidential candidates tells them they should. Apparently people are "suddenly" more concerned with actually paying their monthly energy bills or having food to eat. Imagine that.

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