Apparently Americans aren't interested in having this woman - “I have always loved longitude,” Nancy Pelosi says before breaking into laughter. “I love latitude; it’s in the stars. But longitude, it’s about time. ... Time and clocks and all the rest of that have always been a fascination for me” - tell them how to raise their daughters or live their lives. Well, at least she has that all-time low Congressional approval score to fall back on. Helluva job, Nance.
Finally, the icing on the schadenfreude cake, via Instapundit, via Ron Coleman:
The sad part for Pelosi is that the practice by which publishers bestow massive donations on their favored politicians via utterly unrecoverable publishing advances” was barred by the House of Representatives. Therefore she could not get even a fraction of the phenomenal sweetheart advance paid to then Senator-elect Hillary Clinton for her various scribblings — which, while they were bought by many, still did not come close to earning out the advance paid by a publishing industry supposedly beset by economic crisis.
That means Pelosi must have really thought people would want to buy her book.
Chilling. That’s what enough time in Congress does to people.
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