Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Asshat of the Week

Watch here as Fox News' Megyn Kelly wipes the smug smile off of the face of Us Weekly's Bradley Jacobs in about 2 seconds. It's replaced quickly by a look that conveys something more along the lines of nausea. What a tool.

Oh, and just FYI, "Bradley" has officially entered the "Top 5 Boy's Names That I Will Never Consider For My Sons" list, right up there with Trevor. Love the way Megyn keeps repeating it, Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. What a ponce.


JS said...

Great clip. I posted it on my blog.

Incidentally, yesterday, I was sitting at Connecticut Muffin in my usual spot, trying to have a conversation with my favorite Park Slope Republican friend, when I was forced to endure one of these middle-aged liberal women ridiculing John McCain for being tortured during the Vietnam War, complete with making baby faces and saying "did he take off his shirt and show his scars?" Repulsive, repugnant, absolutely loathsome. Words cannot express my antipathy for these moral relativists who love the inmates of Guantanamo Bay and hate their country's own heroes who have suffered so much worse.

When I told her to stop making fun of the fact that McCain was tortured, she replied that, "After what the Republicans did to Kerry, we can say whatever we want about McCain." I asked her who was "WE." She said, "Democrats."

I was so shocked that she does not know the difference between ridiculing a torture victim and criticisms of Kerry, made not of his service to our country, but of his compulsive lying about what he did in Vietnam and what his fellow soldiers did in Vietnam when he returned from his four month stint, that I was temporarily rendered speechless. I saw this odious woman today and could only respond with a grunt when she said, "Hello."

The fact that I live in a neighborhood that ridicules victims of torture who have suffered for our country is very difficult for me to take.

Charles Martel said...

Yeah, I know the feeling - and it's not just our neighborhood, it's definitely a city-wide thing, and that's one of the main reasons I started this thing, just to have a place to vent some frustration over the prevailing attitudes and occasional idiocy that surround us.

Can only hope that McCain prevails in November, it certainly won't shut any of them up, but it will make it a lot easier to listen to...

JS said...

I actually think that things might get a little hot around here for Republicans if McCain wins. These democrats are crazy.