Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reason #4,596,008,890 for a Media Boycott

This morning's AMNY, which I shall no longer be picking up outside of the subway station each morning, has outdone itself. On the morning after a truly historic event, the first ever acceptance speech by a female member of a major party's presidential ticket, you'd think perhaps they would lead with that event, or, given that the speech didn't end until later than the paper went to press, perhaps with an article detailing the snippets that were given to the press ahead of time, for exactly this reason?

Instead, the front page blared "Levi's Comin'," with the subheader "Is Bristol Palin's skater stud ready for prime time?"

Good god.

Inside, the front page tease didn't even actually reference an article, instead, there was a page 3 column from someone named Ellis Henican, typical of the snarky, ironic, cynical drivel that so typifies journalism today. The column pokes fun at the 18 year old for the profanity on his MySpace page, and sniffs "Wondering if Levi actually graduated high school. As if that matters."

The idiocy continues with this disgusting "joke" - "How'd that abstinence-only education work out?" "Asking if Levi and Bristol did it at her momma's house. Asking if they could have done it at her momma's house if her momma'd been home with her children instead of constantly rushing off to some government job."

For the record, Ellis Henican is an asshole.

Oh, and yesterday, when I apologized for using profanity? That apology is going to have to stand for a while now, at least through November.

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