Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Democratic-led Congress Responds to the Worst Economic Crisis in Years By...Going Home

Democratic Congress May Adjourn, Leave Crisis to Fed, Treasury from Bloomberg, via The Corner
Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Democratic-controlled Congress, acknowledging that it isn't equipped to lead the way to a solution for the financial crisis and can't agree on a path to follow, is likely to just get out of the way.
Not that I mind at all, in fact, this seems like something that Congress should do a lot more often when it comes to the economy (and most other things), but the headline and the implied negligence and lack of any sort of viable solution seems very very emblematic.

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