Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgia v. Russia

Great column (as always) by Charles Krauthammer at NRO, with suggestions on how to deal with Putin and Russia.

Making Putin Pay

Boils down to the following:
1. Suspend the NATO-Russia Council established in 2002 to help bring Russia closer to the West. Make clear that dissolution will follow suspension. The council gives Russia a seat at the NATO table. Message: Invading neighboring democracies forfeits the seat.

2. Bar Russian entry to the World Trade Organization.

3. Dissolve the G-8. Putin’s dictatorial presence long made it a farce but no one wanted to upset the bear by expelling it. No need to. The seven democracies simply withdraw. Then immediately announce the reconstitution of the original G-7.

4. Announce a U.S.-European boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi. To do otherwise would be obscene. Sochi is 15 miles from Abkhazia, the other Georgian province just invaded by Russia. The Games will become a riveting contest between the Russian, Belarusian and Jamaican bobsled teams. (Hee)

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