Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Keep the Pressure On

Bush rips Democrats for opposing offshore drilling
Via MyWay by way of Drudge

Relatively straightforward article about Bush calling on Democrats to debate and allow a vote on lifting the ban on drilling for domestic energy, good to see him working in conjunction with the various GOP members of Congress who stuck around at the end of last week, neither party should let up on this.

The issue is an easy winner for the Republicans, and continuing the call reduces the Dems to rather pathetic standard retorts like the ones included in the article from Nancy Pelosi, which basically amount to "Anonymous generic sources say that drilling now will only help a little bit, so let's not bother talking about it."

Strangely, the article also claims that Pelosi "called the demands to lift the drilling bans a hoax." (Emphasis mine) That seems to be a very strange choice of words in this instance. A "hoax?" As in P.T. Barnum's fake mermaid, or an April Fool's Joke? Odd.

The article wraps with "Bush called these actions 'vital steps to help reduce pressure on gas prices,' although none of the actions would produce any new oil for years." Didn't AP writer H. Josef Hebert get the memo?

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