Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Superman Returns Returns

News from Variety, via Dirty Harry, re a sequel to Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, a film which, while entertaining, could have been so much more.

(Related, see my earlier review of the wonderful Superman Returns trailer)

However, I'm not sure, as Harry seems to think, that more studio control with regards to the sequel is a good thing. Granted, he expresses his reservations, which are well-founded, that the studio will misinterpret what has made The Dark Knight that runaway smash that it is, and just try to make Superman Returns 2 (Superman 6?) darker, instead of focusing on all the solid allegorical good vs. evil stuff that is just waiting to be explored.

Obviously I can't say for sure what happened with the first film, but there definitely was a problem with deciding whether the film would be a straight homage to the original movies, or a true franchise reboot, and it suffered greatly for this. Again, I have no idea who was to blame for this, but having seen what Singer is capable of when given the reins (The Usual Suspects, X-Men 2, one of my all-time favorite comic book movies, and a great movie in its own right), I'd have a lot more faith in his judgement than in those of studio heads.

Either way, at least we probably won't end up with the same muddled, but entertaining mess that was Superman Returns, unsure of what it wanted to be.

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