Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Got Another One

Pakistani Woman Extradited to New York for Alleged Attack on U.S. Soldiers via Fox News by way of Michelle Malkin

Excellent news - she's looking a bit worse for wear though, no? I suppose murder and being a fugitive takes its toll. Let that be a lesson to all the aspiring terrorists out there.

Terrorism = not hot.

Girl looks like she got hit with a shovel. Some kind of magical shovel that makes you look old and ugly. She looks like those really creepy pictures of the Hussein boys, Uday and Qusay, after the house they were in got blown to pieces on top of them. Except she's apparently still alive and kicking. Ouch.

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