Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More on Lowering the Drinking Age

Definitely one of the few issues these days that the left and the right should be able to agree upon without too much trouble:

Silliest column of the week award, in vino veritas division by Roger Kimball at Pajamas Media

Old enough to fight, old enough to drink by Michele Catalano, also at Pajamas Media

Want to lower the drinking age? Hope you like spam by Andy Guess at Inside Higher Ed

all links via Instapundit

1 comment:

JS said...

You are so right, and, let's legalize drugs while we are at it too. If God can accept the existence of bad choices, then certainly we should do the same. Of course, I don't believe in God, but that is a minor point. I still believe in the above. Let freedom reign.