Standing athwart history yelling, "Slow down, you'll hit a young mother crossing the street on her way to the organic co-op with her dual-child stroller!"

Monday, August 4, 2008

Keep the Pressure On - Part 2

White House says no to special session of Congress

Headline notwithstanding, more encouraging news from Capitol Hill, where Republican members of Congress continue to demonstrate (some may say "grandstand," but I'm not one of them) in order to draw attention to the Democrat's refusal to debate or vote on energy policy and domestic drilling.

If nothing else, I admire the verve and sense of humor that many of the members seem to be bringing to the proceedings. Too often, the GOP seems to be content to allow themselves to be painted as the party without the ability to laugh, unwilling to make fun of themselves, the group of old boring white men, too far removed from society and reality to bring about any sort of meaningful change, and impossible for young people to identify with.

Meanwhile, as any conservative who has tried to debate or talk to a liberal, it is far too often the liberals who are lacking any sort of a sense of humor, who take themselves way too seriously. This is a weakness that the GOP, already portrayed as underdogs, should be exploiting all the until November. No one is more deserving of this treatment than the man at the top of the ticket, and this ongoing effort in the House coincides nicely with the post below...

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